  • Institution Code : NCISM- AYU 0181
  • College Code : MUHS - 3302
  • Admission Process : DMER College Code : 3126
  • Email : ssamnsk@gmail.com
  • Landline : +91 253 2621565
  • No. Of Visitor(s) : 403947

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Swasthavritta Department


Ayurveda is a science of art of living. It deals with preventive and curative principles for the better health. This subject “Swasthavritta” is included in IIIrd year syllabus. It deals with personal and social hygiene not only at the physical level but also at the mental level. Mainly it stresses at the preventive aspect. In tells us how to keep oneself healthy. The syllabus is divided in two papers with practical sessions also.

First paper mainly includes basic principles of Ayurveda, of Ayurvda. Dincharya Ratricharya and Rutucharya are the most important aspects for a person to be “Swastha” Environmental health, Industrial health, various types of ventilation, basic elements of life i.e. air, water, their,purification processes, Milk processing sewage disposal, School health, Maternal and child health etc. are included in this paper.

Second paper comprises of Yoga and Naturopathy. It emphasizes the basic principles of Yoga and its applied aspect n clinical practice. In respect to modern life style which itself is responsible for many kinds of diseases such as Dept. of “Swasthavritta” hard to promote healthy life style through Yoga & Healthy Nutrition diet & exercise keeping this in mind our department also runs its “Swasthya Raksha” OPD in the hospital which guides the people as well as patients about the diet, Yog, Pranayam, asanas and overall life style changes to live the life better and to fight the diseases. “Life style disorders” such as hypertension, diabetes, cardiac diseases etc. can only be treated with the help of Ayurvedic and yogic life style.

Dept. is well equipped with the Yoga hall, museum, models, instruments, CD`s and charts, OHP, Power Point Presentation. Dept. has eminent teaching staff of professor, associate professor, lecturers etc.

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