  • Institution Code : NCISM- AYU 0181
  • College Code : MUHS - 3302
  • Admission Process : DMER College Code : 3126
  • Email : ssamnsk@gmail.com
  • Landline : +91 253 2621565
  • No. Of Visitor(s) : 397422

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Web-based Centralized Hospital Registration System

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Sharir Kriya Department


In this department our goal is to explain the physical activities of human being pretext to ayurved Dosha, Dhatu, Mala theory vis-a vis modern advances. Also there is great deal of emphasis on man (Psyche-Mind) and Atma (Soul) & Functions of Dosha, Dhatu & Mala.

In asthanga Ayurved one may not find this subject separately discussed as a science advacned sharir vichaya i.e., knowledge about sharir kriya and rachana expanded.

To support logical thinking to become successful ayurved physician one require thorough knowledge og Sharir Tridosha, Saptadhatu and Trimala. In this department we have well equiped laboratory, study to Haematology. We have all types of Microscopes & chemicals. Also to study the Functions of other organs we have the good Quality Modern Instrument like ECG Machine, Spirometer, Centrifuge Machine etc. to conduct smoothly all type of physiology practicals. We have fulfilled all the requirements asper CCIM Rules & Regulations.

Teaching and Learning Methods Objectives in Kriya Sharir Department -

  • Incorporate active learning into curriculum and transform classroom into an exciting, dynamic learning environment.
  • Generate ideas about how a concept could be applied to a problem that interests them, it automatically increases engagement levels.
  • Involving students in classroom activities also requires them to assess their understanding and skill and rather than allowing them to rest comfortably with a surface knowledge, it forces them to develop a deeper understanding of the material.

Advantages of active Participation of Student in Kriya Sharir Department

  • Engages students
  • Provides the teacher feedback
  • Provides the students feedback
  • Can be used to promote preparation
  • Can be used to control what’s happening in class
  • Can be used to balance who’s contributing in class and how much

Various Teaching Learning Methods used in Kriya Sharir Department

  • Lecture by teacher (and what else can you do!)
  • Class discussion conducted by teacher
  • Recitation oral questions by teacher answered orally by students
  • Discussion groups conducted by selected student chairperson
  • Lecture-demonstration by teacher
  • Lecture-demonstration by another instructor(s) from a special field (guest speaker)
  • Presentations by student panels from the class: class invited to participate
  • Student reports by individuals
  • Debate (informal) on current issues by students from class
  • Class discussions conducted by a student or student committee

Oral recitation of Shloka:

the practice of having the entire class recite important Shloka. Concept development generally precedes oral recitation

  • Enhance of creativity of students.
  • Clear ideas
  • Beneficial to other student.
Group Discussion

New trend that has come up in order to evaluate student personality. A group of participants are made to discuss on a topic or subject for a limited time and then assessed accordingly.

It is a chance for you to be more vocal

  • it is a fun and effective way to ensure that students actively participate to attain maximum knowledge.
  • motivate and engage and students to give their best shot.
  • Ialso builds confidence in students and makes them aware ...
  • small group teaching and learning arrangements that use group interaction as a means of engaging participants.
  • usually begin with a presentation or mini-lecture to provide the basis for discussion,
  • the word “seminar” also includes rather formal group discussions led by the teacher
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