  • Institution Code : NCISM- AYU 0181
  • College Code : MUHS - 3302
  • Admission Process : DMER College Code : 3126
  • Email : ssamnsk@gmail.com
  • Landline : +91 253 2621565
  • No. Of Visitor(s) : 390409

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Agadtantra is one of the eight branches of Ashtang Ayurveda. It deals with study of various endogenous and exogenous poisons, their toxic manifestations and their remedial measures. It gives general information, signs-symptoms and treatment of various poisons of plants and mineral origin and artificial poisons like pesticides. It also deals with poisonous symptoms caused by bites and stings of animals like snake, scorpion, bee, rats, etc. It deals with the study of various Agada yogas which have been used since ancient times to counteract with the visha ie poisons.

Vyavahar ayurved is also concerned with the application of medical knowledge to aid the administration of justice in the Court of Law.

Vidhivaidyak deals with legal aspects of medical practice. It teaches medical ethics and etiquettes, Conduct, Misconduct, Rights and duties of doctors.


To ensure use of Ayurveda in treatment of poisoning due to bites and stings and to promote ethical practices, safeguard human rights and advancement of forensic science in future.


1. Application of medical knowledge to the field to Ayurveda.

2. To make students aware of application of medical knowledge in legal matters, collection of evidences, and maintenance of medical records.

3. To update them regarding recent advances in the field of Agadtantra in various topics like toxicology, forensic pathology, and other relevant areas.

4. To impart knowledge of interpretation of postmortem findings by attending regular postmortem examinations at Civil hospital, Nashik


Department has its own tutorial place. Lectures and Practicals are being regularly conducted in college premises. We visit MORTURY at Civil hospital Nasik for “Post Mortem Examination” training and visit to Regional Forensic Science Laboratory is regularly arranged to upgrade knowledge of the subject.

Department Features --

The department of Agadtantra & Vidhi Vaidyak having spacious Department, ample of departmental library books, Museum , Interactive screen with internet facility, Departmental Laboratory, A coloured atlas.

Activities ,Visits , Practicals --

1. Routine lectures, practicals and demonstration are conducted.

2. Post Mortem Examination postings are carried out for students at Civil Hospital, Nashik.

3.Various competitions are held during academic year.

4.Guest Lectures are conducted twice a year.

5. Field visits are arranged -

  • Police station of Panchavati/Adgaon
  • Snake Park
  • Regional Forensic Science Laboratory (RFSL) of Nashik
  • Court visits at Nashik District & Sessions Court
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