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  • College Code : MUHS - 3302
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Sharir Rachana Department


Department of Sharir Rachana has been established in Jan 2000. This department dels with the study of anatomical structure (Dissection of cadaver). Knowledge of this subject if important not only for Physician but also for surgeon for proper diagnosis of various diseases.

Sharir Rachana department has total 2 members which consist Associate Professor 1 & Assistant professor 1. The staff is well adequate & the faculty members are always trying to do the best in teaching by going through various types of texts, through power point presentations, information on internet about the subject related.

Department is following the syllabus which is prepared by Central Council of Indian medicine also approved by MUHS Nasik. Faculty prepare new curriculum with some new additional Point according to modern science and just submitted to be passed in BOS & Academic council.
Success rate of Department is 85%

Total 90 books are present in the Departmental Library which according to department need.
Learning resources of the department of library are well equipped with all types of Ayurvedic as well as Modern text and reference books, Ayurvedic and periodicals, CD magazines. The library is well equipped with internal facility for student and all department All equipped with all instruments.

Sharir Rachana Department have the good precious museum with 146 human soft specimens, fiber models functional models, Articulated & Non articulated male, Female, Child fetus bone skeletons, male & female boney pelvis vertebral column, different soft organs, sensory organs, fiber models, Body preserving tanks with capacity of 10-15 cadavers in cadaver room. Brain & Body sectioning machine is available in dissection hall of the department for 60 students in hall there are 12 dissecting table & 04 small table to study soft organ.

Dissection hall is well decorated laminated Ayurvedic, modern & 282 flex charts, & Historical photos & 3 dimensional photos. Enhancement of the learning resources during the years, we are regularly updating the models, charts, actual teaching on the cadaver through dissection. We use black board as well as transparencies with O.H.P. & some time L.C.D. video clips & power point presentation is used. We are also having Histology slides which we show the students with the help of projecting & Research Binocular Microscope, Dissecting microscope.

Each faculty member contributes in the academic improvement of the syllabus as per C.C.I.M. its distribution as per term.The faulty always makes the study easy for the student by various teaching aids. The queries of students are solved easily, weak students in the subject are guided well, and also the separate lectures are conducted for the students who failed in subject.

Plan of action of the Department for the next five years

Various lecture series of Sharir Rachana from different expertise in the field.

In future we are thinking to send the departmental members for different teachers training programs & to attend national & international level seminars & workshop.

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