  • Institution Code : CCIM - AYU 0181
  • College Code : MUHS - 3302
  • Admission Process : DMER College Code : 3126
  • Email : ssamnsk@gmail.com
  • Landline : +91 253 2621565
  • No. Of Visitor(s) : 340690

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Research Methodology Department

The subject Research Methodology and Medical Statistics includes research process, need of research in Ayurveda, methods of research, drug and clinical research, the scientific writing and publication skills, fundamental of testing of hypothesis, parametric and non parametric methods and use of statistical software.

The knowledge of the subject introduces us to the modern world of Ayurvedic drug which includes Physiochemical, Phytochemical, Microscopic investigations; Chromatographic techniques .It gives us overall knowledge of Drug.

As our college got permission for post graduation studies in total 10 subjects. The Research Methodology and Medical Statistics department was established in 2014.

Department of Research Methodology provides following facilities to Students..

1.Research Lab : The lab is well equipped with advanced instruments used for analytical and standardization purpose. The lab provides to the students from basic to advance instruments. There are almost 50 instruments in lab includes oven, incubator, fridge, microscope, refractometer, pH meter, colorimeter, uv cabinet, centrifuge machine, soxhlet apparatus, rotary shaker, autoclave, muffle furnace etc. So students can get practical knowledge of subject.

2.Classroom : Research classroom- where the lectures are conducted is equipped with projector for better understanding of concepts. Practical of imaging science are shown with the help of projector.

Facilities Provided in Research Lab :

  • Physiochemical Tests: - Alcohol soluble extractives, water soluble extractives, Total Ash, Acid insoluble ash, LOD, pH.
  • Phytochemical Tests: - Alkaloids, Tannins, Heavy metal, Proteins, Steroids etc.
  • Thin Layer Chromatography
  • Antimicrobial Activity of drugs against pathogen

  • Workshop :

    We conduct Research Workshop for PG students every year. In this the lectures are conducted by well known Research experts from outside institute.

    Departmental Library :

    Departmental Library of Research is equipped with 63 books. Including API’s, Biochemistry books, Modern research books and research publications.

    Tours and Visits :

    In that students are introduce to animal house where experiments of drug on animals are carried out.

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